All posts in: "Latest News"
- MASCARA VIII: My Truth Is…
The 8th Annual Transgender Summit to be held at Rutgers University Newark, Paul Robeson Campus Center.
- Mascara VII: Beyond Labels
T.G.I.F. (Thank Goodness I’m Fabulous!) is doing it again. MASCARA VII, our annual Transgender symposium, is approaching. Come join AAOGC Center for HIV/AIDS Testing, Prevention…
- 2nd Annual Gay Men’s Awareness Day Event
Registration is now open for the Gay Men’s Awareness Day event! Join us on Thursday, September 24 at the Rutgers Cook Campus Center from 8:30…
- Call for Support
Come Join Us! The Essex County LGBTQ Advisory We are looking for volunteers to join us as we advise County Executive loe DiVincenzo on issues…
- Chat and Chew
Hump Day the right way: local grown folks dining and dishing about love, sex and everything in between. Free food, fun and open forum to…
- AAOGC Joins National Give Out Day
Join AAOGC for the 3rd annual Give OUT Day, the national day of giving for the LGBTQ community! For 24-hours on Thursday, May 21st, you…
- 13th Annual LGBT Health Awareness Week
“It’s Time To Come Together: Trust. Transparency. Truth.” 13th Annual LGBT Health Awareness Week March 23-27, 2015 The National Coalition for LGBT Health created National…
You can register online using this link. Lets help make this event a success. Please help us make this event a success, lets show up…
- This Is My Story
Please join us on Thursday, Feb. 26th, as we partner with Urban+Out to observe the National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day in Newark. Guest speakers include…
- Important Resources
The CDC estimates that 110 million people in the U.S. have a sexually transmitted infection at any given time. 50% of new infections occur in…