NJ Insider Out 100 Power List Posted October 27, 2020 by Gary Paul Wright



Gary Paul Wright is the Godfather (and Godmother) of the LGBTQ community in New Jersey. He has committed his entire life to service and thus saving countless lives over the decades.

Gary Paul does the often thankless work of providing vital lifesaving services to young gay and bisexual men of color-reaching deep into the corners of the most marginalized in the LGBTQ community to ensure that none is overlooked.

Gary Paul is unapologetically Black and by proudly leading as his true self, he has inspired future generations of Black Queer and Trans leaders to be their true selves. He founded the African American Office of Gay Concerns, an organization decentering whiteness by focusing specifically on Black folks and communities of color. He is always paving the way.

Long before hit TV shows like “Pose” and mainstream organizations championed Transgender women of color, Gary Paul and his organization created “T.G.I.F. – Thank Goodness I’m Fabulous”, which was the only state-funded program specifically designed for Transgender women of color at the time.

Most importantly, Gary Paul has made great contributions to slowing the spread of HIV and eradicating AIDS. Staying true to his beginnings in the movement back in the 1980’s Gary Paul gives all of himself to ensure people of all ages, especially young people, know the importance of using a condom and getting on prevention medication.

Queer and Trans folks in our state are safer because of Gary Paul and his partner, Peter Oates, who is a Nurse Practitioner. These two were married on World AIDS Day – a true power couple giving a lifetime of service to our community.

We couldn’t be in better hands.